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Thanks for this solid overview (and for the link to my piece). While I can't speak for the 1970s tv versions, I have been very underwhelmed by the current BBC ones which as you say, are only loosely based on the original. but for any screenwriters (even if they wanted to) it would be very difficult to capture the sheer power of language Chesterton commands in writing... but they could at least try to retain his characters' humor! Anyway, if it leads people to the original stories, somehow, that would be a good thing. The discrepancy between author and adaptation becomes more interesting when you conclude that Christie and Doyle are superior to Chesterton- as writers, specifically, I don't agree, but perhaps in their wider imaginations of mystery plots they had better success. And the great intangible in all this is the personage of David Suchet as Poirot; I can't think of another actor who portrays a character more perfectly than the written one in this genre. He continued to elevate Christie's reputation well into the tv era.

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